60 cm x 60 cm (60 cm x 80 cm with frame)
Volcanic sand on canvas
My first idea was to create portraits of Maimonides and Averroes but having to work on a smaller format caused me to change course. I leafed through the beautiful writings of these two illustrious historical figures, always keeping in mind the image of a fragile bridge that nonetheless is becoming increasingly necessary between the three monotheistic religions.
I was seduced by a passage written by Maimonides, imbued with tolerance and love for the other. Unfortunately, I was not able to obtain a photocopy of the Maimonides manuscript in Arabic and so, with the utmost deference and humility on my part, I hope my version still imparts the essence of his words. When I work with black sand, the light illuminates it like a memory that is slowly surfacing and brought out of the darkness.
Valérie Rauchbach studied Fine Arts at the Arts Décoratifs School in Paris, and has worked in painting restoration and advertising. Her works have been exhibited in galleries and shows around the world.
Valérie excels in drawing, oil painting, and has developed a unique painting technique, based on the use of multi-layered natural sand; giving a sense of presence due to a slight bas-relief impression. Her work is therefore in constant interaction with light, appearing and disappearing at will.
Besides her paintings, she is also noted for her Land Art achievements and her work with various mediums. She teaches Fine Arts at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Paris. She is a well-known lecturer, has anchored an Art News series on French TV and has written books. The last book was devoted to colors from the point of view of the artist. (“Couleurs”, Y. Michalon)
Living in Paris, her works can be seen in many private as well as public collections.